Visa Lottery: US Green Card Lottery Reopens, Apply For US Visa Lottery Here

Visa lottery US green card lottery, andhow to apply for US Visa lotterycan be accessed below.
Infoexpert24 reports that the U.S. government officially opens its diversity visa lottery program at the start of a new fiscal year.
This is coming at a time thousands of past winners from Afghanistan, Egypt, Peru, Iran, and other nations continue to endure processing delays that are dimming hopes of a new life in America.
Infoexpert24 reports that the President Joe Biden administration announced Wednesdaythat registration for the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for 2023 — popularly known as the green card lottery— had begun. Congress authorized 55,000 green cards per year for immigrants around the world to promote diversity in the U.S.
Registration starts well before any given fiscal year — in this case, 2023 — to allow time for processing applications. But delays have become chronic and spawned legal action.
While accepting new applications, U.S. officials acknowledge a severe backlog in processing existing ones, many of which were filed during the former Trump administration and have been slowed by the pandemic.
Visa Lottery: US Green Card Lottery Reopens, Apply For US Visa Lottery Here
Do you qualify to enter the American DV-2023 Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery?

US Visa Lottery
Enrollment into the DV-2023 Diversity Visa Lottery program is open to all individuals worldwide, however, there are two entry requirements that you must meet before you can enter the USA DV-Lottery:
1. To enter the Diversity Visa Lottery you must be a native of a qualifying country
To enter the DV-2023 Diversity Visa Green Card Lottery you must be a native of a country with a low immigration rate to the USA to qualify for the USA Diversity Visa Lottery. People born in countries with high U.S. immigration are excluded from this Diversity Visa Lottery. Please see the list below of countries whose natives are currently excluded from the USA Diversity Lottery. Please note that eligibility is determined only by the country of your birth, not based on your country of citizenship or current residence. This is the most common misperception. The only change this year is that people born in Honduras and Hong Kong SAR are no longer eligible to enter the DV-2023 green card lottery.
If you were born in one of the non-qualifying DV-Lottery countries you may still qualify
You may still be able to participate in the USA Diversity Visa Lottery based on the country of birth of your parents or spouse if you were born in a non-qualifying country.
2. Education or Work experience that qualifies for the American DV-2023 Lottery
To enter the USA DV-2023 Diversity Visa Lottery you must comply with one of the following two requirements (Option 1 or Option 2 below) to qualify:
To qualify for the DV-2023 Diversity Visa Lottery you must have completed a U.S. high school education or a foreign equivalent of U.S. high school education “High School education or its equivalent” means the successful completion of a twelve-year course of elementary and secondary education in the U.S. or successful completion in another country of a formal course of elementary and secondary education comparable to complete a 12-year education in the U.S. Passage of a high school equivalency examination is not sufficient. It is permissible to have completed one’s education in less than twelve years or greater than twelve years if the course of study completed is equivalent to a U.S. high school education; or
To qualify for the USA DV-2023 Diversity Visa lottery you must have worked in one of the following occupations for at least two years within the last five years:
- Click here to view allqualifying DV-Lottery jobs
Proof that you satisfy these requirements should NOT be submitted when entering the DV-2023 Lottery but will be requested by a consular officer after your name has been selected and you formally apply for your permanent residence (Green Card) visa. Individuals who do not match these basic requirements should not apply to this program. You need to provide proof of education, work experience, and native country only if you are selected. For this reason, we do not request this information in the application form for the DV-2023 Green Card Lottery.