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“I Would Like Messi To Play In La Liga And Cristiano To Come Back” – La Liga President



"I Would Like Messi To Play In La Liga And Cristiano To Come Back" - La Liga President

Javier Tebaspresident of LaLiga has said that he would “likeLeo Messi” to be part of the competition again, while he also said he would likeCristiano Ronaldoto “come back to say goodbye”

Infoexpert24 reports Javier Tebas assured that Frenchman Kylian Mbappe will play in Spain “at some point”.

“I would like Messi to be in La Liga, and forCristianoto come backto say goodbye,” he said during a meeting with the media in Doha.


At the same time, hecommented on Messi’s possible return to Barcelonagiven the club’s financial situation.“It will depend on what Messi wants to earn,which I don’t know. It will also depend on whether they sell players, the income,” he said.

“The financial lever they need is to save money.Their fifth lever is to lower the wage bill, they know that.Anti-Barça measures?They have appealed everything we have applied and they have lost everything, but they have the right to appeal. We are applying the rules that apply,”he said.

“Barca are a great club and is more than just managers and presidents.There are very professional people working within the club and they will end up finding their way”, he declared.


Furthermore, Tebas was confident that, after last summer’s refusal,Mbappe will end up playing in La Liga: “He will be at some point.I don’t know if it will be this season or next,”he said.

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