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9 Premature Birth Risk Factors Pregnant Women Need To Look Out For



9 Premature Birth Risk Factors Pregnant Women Need To Look Out For

Once a women gets pregnant, she starts planning how to decorate her baby’s room picking a name, buying baby clothes, hardlly will you see a woman preparing to welcome a pre-mature baby but life happens!

Despite being relatively common, many women believe that having a premature baby will never happen to them.

However, planning for a healthy pregnancy is another important part of pregnancy.


Premature birth is a major health problem and the rates are increasing everyday.

Risk Factors for Premature Birth

1. Diabetes
A diabetic pregnant woman is more likely to deliver baby early because blood sugar control can be hard to maintain during pregnancy


2. Age
Pregnant people under age 18 and over the age of 30 have the greatest risk of going into labor early.

If your age puts you at increased risk for preterm labor, you will need to reduce any other risk factors that you have.

3. High blood pressure
Having high blood pressure before you got pregnant puts you at higher risk for early birth.


4. Alcohol
No amount of alcohol is safe while you are pregnant because it can lead to you havinfg a pre-mature baby

5. Multiple pregnancies
Women who are carrying multiple babies are at an increased risk for early delivery, as well as other complications.

6. Lack of prenatal care
Some women play with their prenatal care. Those who ignore it have the greater risk of health complications during pregnancy.


7. Smoking
Smoking is one of the greatest risks of premature delivery, apart from the risk of premature birth, there are other health risks to a fetus associated with nicotine and cigarette smoke. Talk to your doctor or midwife if you need help quitting.

8. Poor nutrition

Pregnant people with an extremely low body mass index have a higher risk of preterm delivery. Pregnant people with generally poor nutritional status also have a greater risk.


9. Untreated infection

Infections, especially those of the uterus and urinary tract, can increase the risk of premature birth.

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